Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Part 2

I saw him being wheeled out.. down the steps and into the ambulance..
as I went outside, there was already a reporter there, following the ambulance..

He got out to take some pictures, and I ran over to him.. I asked him to leave, and he just pushed past me..
I put my hand over his lens and started to get angry.. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I was acting irrational, and being extremely rude to him. He ended up leaving, but only because the ambulance was pulling out..

I watched it leave, and just stood there... His mother and father showed up, and asked me what happened, I told them, and they drove me to the hospital... it was a slow quite drive there.. we didn't even speak a word to each other. I believe they were upset with me, because they knew I was using drugs with him..

We got to the hospital, and waited in the waiting room, I was scared, but I knew he'd be OK now...
A nurse came up to me and asked me what he took, I told them the exact amount of everything he took..

We waited around, while they gave him Narcan.. we waited and waited, then his son showed up..
He came over to me and hugged me, with tears in his eyes.. he said to me "Thank you for saving my dads life" But those words just bounced off me.. I didn't save him, it was partially my fault he was in there.. and that's all I could think about..

A little later, his girlfriend came in.. She was at work when it happened, but she came as soon as she found out.. She was talking to the nurses, then came up to me.. and yelled "You need to tell them exactly what he took" .. I explained to her that I did.. I told them exactly what he took, and when he took it..

She said to me "Get out of here, just go home, we don't want you here" .. I remember this quite vividly, because I was pretty offended. I understand now she was just stressed out, and she knew we used together. Before any of this, we got along quite well, but she was mad at me.. and we've never really talked since then.. She's moved on from him, and isn't with him anymore.. I'm not even sure where she is, but I hope she's not offended by me telling this part.

I didn't leave until I saw him...

The nurse came out and told us we could go in and see him.. I went in and started to tear up.. I felt horrible, I blamed myself.. I told him I was sorry, and he said "Sorry for what? You just saved my life" .. But I didn't "save his life" .. I was with him, and I was doing drugs with him.. it could have easily been me... the only reason it wasn't was because of my drug tolerance..

The nurses told us he needed some rest, so I left the room..

I said good bye to his son, and left..

I walked home, and lit a smoke as soon as I was off the hospital property, I now knew I had to deal with my parents.. and explain to them what happened.

I dreaded going back home, but I did.. .

When I walked in, they didn't know what happened... and I wish I hadn't of told them, but I felt compelled to.. it was something big that happened to me, I was still feeling pretty shaken up about it, and wanted someone to talk to... The problem with this was, I had put my parents through a lot at this point..

When I told them, they were instantly mad at me... They thought I was going out to work for the day, not preform CPR and call an ambulance.. I went into the living room, and then they called me out into the kitchen..

They told me I would have to leave... They were kicking me out.. I was really mad at them at this point, I grabbed some stuff, and left after having some words with them..

I had put them through HELL up to this point, I had been kicked out twice and allowed back, I felt like I had nowhere to go..

I walked the streets for a while, then called George's son..
I told him what happened, and he spoke with his mother..he called me back and told me I was welcome to stay with them for as long as I needed.. At this point in my life, I was LUCKY to have anyone on my side; but for some reason I did.. They welcomed me into their home, and fed me, they were so nice to me, and always treated me with respect.. I'm not sure why, but they did..

.. My life was the same routine, Getting money for drugs, and doing drugs... The only difference was where I slept..
I wouldn't do drugs in their home, because I didn't want to get kicked out of there, so I would walk 20 minutes away, to an apartment complex in down..
It was a bit of a slum, and it had a shared kitchen (which no one used) and a common area..

I remember I went to sleep at Georges sons house the first night, then left early in the morning... His mom gave me some smokes, and asked me if I needed anything, I told her I didn't... and she left for work.

I still had a 30 mg pill, so I walked to the apartment complex..
I was walking to the place, when I sat down on the steps of an old shut down store in town..
I lit up a smoke, and then I saw George drive by, he stopped and waved me over to his car.. I jumped in and talked to him..

He thanked me, and we just started talking.. I told him how I got kicked out, and that I had no place to go... He told me if his girlfriend wasn't so mad at me I could come stay with him, but she wouldn't have it..
We drove a little bit, then he dropped me off by the apartment complex.. I told him I was quiting, and didn't want anything to do with drugs anymore. Just in case he wanted some..
but he didn't.. he left, and we parted ways.. We really didn't hangout much after this for a few months, but we eventually did..

I looked up at the beige building..
I walked up the stairs to the common area, and opened the door into the kitchen..
I looked through all the cupboards, and found a plate and a big spoon... I wiped them both off and sat them down on the counter..  I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the big red capsule.. I poured the beads out onto the plate.. I crushed the beads up, then made them into two lines...

I was just reaching into my wallet to find a Bill to roll up, when a man came through... He said hi,  and asked me what I was doing.. I told him I was waiting for a friend to get dressed in one of the apartments.. he said "OK, just wondering" and left..

I rolled up the bill, and snorted the first line... I just bent down to snort the second, when I could heard someone coming up the stairs.. I snorted the second line as fast as I could; Just then I could feel someone looking at me.. There was a larger man, standing at the top of the stairs beside and the entrance to the common area.. I looked at him just long enough to see him open his mouth and yell "What the hell are you doing?!?!" I instantly ran as fast as I could.. There was a hallway then an exit on the opposite side of where the man was... I ran, took the corner and took off down the hallway as fast as I could.... For someone who weighed close to 300 lbs he moved pretty damn fast.. I took a right, then slammed into the bar of the back door to open it...

It got stuck for a second, then I slammed it as hard as I could a second time... the door opened, and I took off down the steps.. there was a flight and a half of stairs to move down.. and I was moving as quick as I could... I was already past the parking lot when I turned my head.. and he was halfway down the stairs... he stopped because he realized he couldn't catch me.. but I could hear him yelling..

"Don't ever come back here you junkie f**k!.. If I ever see you again!" I yelled back at him, and called him a fat F***.. and kept running.. I hate to say this, but I was laughing at this point.. I found it extremely funny..
Thinking back on it now; I'm embarrassed, and I'm ashamed to even tell this part of the story..

I was pretty far away, and lit a smoke and kept walking down a back street.. I was just walking and laughing..



  1. I see so much of myself in you & your stories it is insane, makes me take a good look at myself. I hope you take no offense to this. your stories are really touching, and meaningful , I can see all of the emotions you put into them and also take from them. congratulations on your sobriety, I hope one day I myself can be where you are in life. keep it up, you're an inspiration.

  2. ps. you should not be ashamed for telling any part of the story, because youve overcome it and taken steps to reemburse everyone that you may have hurt during your run. it takes a very strong person to do that. really, I look up to you. I really do.

    1. Thanks Keleigh... I do put a lot of emotion into most of my blogs, it's hard to write some, but I know it's helping others, and that's the only reason I'm doing this... to reach others, and help them.

      If you ever want to talk, or wants some advice, feel free to email me @ neilcalder1@gmail.com.
      I'll keep our chats 100% confidential, and won't tell a soul anything you say, you have my word on that.

      I have other people who emails me all the time asking for advice, or when they just need someone they can talk to that they know won't judge them.

      Thanks for your comments and kind words, have a great day!
