Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Check this crazy S**T out...

I got an email from a girl, who must have got it on my blog trying to sell me thiophene....

WTF? I've never posted my email on any of  their sketchy sites, nor had it open, and have the best anti-virus/spyware products on the market...
This came because of my blog...

It's getting to be way to easy to buy drugs online... look up thiophene online, and see what it is..
It's a chemical used to produce precursors of other drugs.... A chemical which has normal uses, but I know it's because of my blog.. And also sell other "legal" drugs and research chemicals online. They only know SOME of the short term effects of these drugs, none of the long term...

Just like "bath salts" causing people to go crazy... I'm sure most people would rather be around someone on real methamphetamine then bath-salts.... I for one don't feel like getting beaten or eaten..
 .... Just saying... Haha. Take care, and email me anytime.

Stay safe, Stay clean...


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