Just a quick update about where things are going..
My blog is growing bigger everyday.. I'm getting people from all over the world reading my blog.. I was getting on average 300 views a day..
On Tuesday.. my views jumped to almost 2600 in just one day..
Yesterday I had 900..
And today I have 800+ and the day is only half over..
Thank you all for sharing my link, and for your kind comments and support..
I'm getting emails from people asking me for advice, and I'm really making a difference..
I was also asked to speak at ST.FX in NewGlasgow next Friday, the university is having a conference on the correctional service of Canada(CSC) as well as addiction and the methadone maintenance program..
I'm really excited about that.. I've got some other work coming up with addictions services and I'm speaking in April at a doctors conference on prescription drug abuse and the way addicts lie to doctors to get prescriptions..
I'm so grateful, and so proud of where my life is taking me.. I'm so lucky to be where I am today..
Things are great, and they keep getting better..
Thanks guys!
Good for you, you make us all proud =)