Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hitchhiking trouble.

 {Warning.. What we did was extremely dangerous.. don't do any of this.. Someone could have died, or been seriously hurt from our actions. I'm only putting this story in, because it's honest.. and the truth about what I did... I'm putting every major event in my life that happened to me to do with drugs in this. Just please don't be stupid.. and don't do anything like this.. Thanks! -Neil }

We got home, and started talking.. We couldn't let this continue... but we had to come up with something...
They didn't end up kicking me out this time. I was lucky..
I can't remember exactly what I said, but I know it was.. but I ended up making it work out for me.

So, when I was home this week after getting kicked out... I kept using.. but only small amounts... just enough to get me high once a day.. I was trying to keep everything under control for the time being... I needed to fix everything and make a better life for myself.

The drugs went quick.. I was back in school.. back looking for drugs, buying more.
I ended up scamming one drug addict for 500 dollars one day, and 500 the next. So I had $1000.00
School was boring... unless I was high... I hated it. And I only looked forward to going if I was getting high that day.

Anyway, it was getting close to the summer time.. We all loved going to the beach..
We had this big plan on hitch-hiking there and then staying up all night, or maybe at a friends cottage we knew.
There was 3 of us... Paul, Bradly and Steven..

Before we left, I went to my aunts house... I knew she kept the 2 mg Dilaudids my grandmother used to take there. I saw them there one day when we were helping my Nan move into her new place.
.. I knew in the summer they'd be at the beach... so I walked up to there house.
I didn't know how I was going to get in... but the front door was unlocked... I took 20 of them.
I also bought 40 clonazapam .5mg pills.

On the way to the beach, we were taking the pills... but I wasn't sharing the dilaudids..
I needed them myself.

We walked and walked and walked a long the high way... we kept on sticking our thumbs out.. but no one was going to pick up these 4 kids.. Who probably looked really messed up.
I didn't bring any money with me, maybe 20 bucks? but that was it.

we kept walking, then all of the sudden, on the other side of the highway, we saw this car slam it's breaks on, and slide over to the side of the road... We instantly knew it was this girl we bought weed from.
She called us over, and told us she had acid and xtc for sale.

We ended up fronting 10 hits, and some weed.. And kept walking. We took 2 hits each, and kept walking. We finally got picked up, and taken as far as the beach store.. When we went in, I bought a bunch of cherry bombs and fireworks.

We were getting pretty messed up, and had a bit of a walk to get to heathers beach..
So I started sticking fireworks in mail boxes and running away.. the cherry bombs would blow them up... and we would laugh and laugh and laugh.

We ran and had a blast doing this ...We got to heathers beach.. we all called our moms and told them we were staying the night with a friend down there.

When we got there.. He wasn't home.. So we decided "Lets just walk into Pugwash!"
It was so dark, and hard to see... We went up to one house, and told them we lost our bikes, so they gave us a small flashlight ... We kept walking, and walking, and walking.. and the whole time we were walking... We tore down every single sign we saw.. blew up mail boxes... kicked over anything in our path and destroyed everything in sight... We left a huge mess, the whole road looked horrible.

We ended up at this little restaurant... We were so messed up at this point. We were drinking out of a garden hose.. Then, we all noticed in the window.. that there was tonnes of hard liquor. They had 1.75 Lt bottles hanging there. Rum, Whiskey, vodka and gin... So we were planning on how to get it..
"Lets break the window and grab it" one person said... We were talking about how good of an idea that was... when a cop car pulled up... Gulp... our heats sunk..

We thought we were getting arrested... He called us over, and we walked up to his window..
He asked us what we were doing in this area late at night " We're in a band, and we have a show in Amherst, but we ended up here" I said.. "Oh, what's your band name?" and I lied and made something up... We said we were from Montreal... He told us to get in, and that he would drive us to oxford...

On the whole drive to oxford, we told him all these lies, and acted like idiots... but he took us on the same path we walked when we destroyed everything... I remember saying "Oh my god! ..what happened here?" When he said something about it...
"Probably just some stupid kids" I said.. "yeah you're probably right"
The whole drive was a trail of destruction... I couldn't even believe how much of a mess we made. I was worried we'd get arrested for doing it.. but karma has a funny way of working.

We finally got to oxford, and he dropped us off at the big stop..
We went inside... I went into the bathroom to snort some dilaudids..
I remember coming back out, and we met up with a guy we knew... We asked him for a drive back.. but he said he only have enough room for 2... We asked if we could all come, and we'd just sit on laps.. but he said no... But one of the guys we were with left us... Fuck it, we said... "We didn't want him here anyway"

I was getting really high.. and I stole a few mini cans of coke outside of the store and drank them..
Just then, some of the older guys from Oxford were there.. we talked to three of them, and they were acting pretty intimidating.. so one of us said "Hey, do you guys wanna buy some acid?" We had 3 hits left..
"sure they said... what do you want for them?" "A gram of weed each" .. They gave us enough for two small joints, and then said we'd have to walk with them back to their house to get the rest..

We smoked the joints with them.. and we finally got to their house... they said "We only want one of you coming upstairs with us" So they asked Steve, and the funny part was he was the smallest at the time...
We never thought anything of it.. until Steve started running and grabbed us.. "Runnnnn!" he said... "They've got bats!"

We ran and ran and ran..... "They fucking robbed us!" we said  We talked about getting them back... but we just thought "Lets just get back to the gas station" we ended up back there... and we were all thirsty.. the one girl who was working there wasn't around... So we all stole 2 flats of mini cans of pop... Pepsi, Coke, And 7-up. and we ran to the high way..

We were sitting in the bushes and throwing them onto the highway yelling "fire in the hole" like the were grenades... We smashed so many of them, and we thought it was really funny...We kept a few each, and started walking and hitch hiking..

We were walking in the middle of the highway for 2 hours or more... There wasn't even 1 car...
I think maybe two trucks passed us.. No one would pick us up..
It was getting lighter.. and it must have been close to 5:00, maybe a little later... We all needed a smoke soooo bad. We ran out long ago... We were walking.. and I remember saying "God, if you're out there.. We need smokes so bad! I would do anything if you just gave us some smokes"
We all laughed "yeah like that'll work...

Not even 2 minutes more of walking... I found a bag that had 10 smokes in it.. We were soooo happy, jumping up and down.. it was crazy. Maybe it was a sign from god, I don't know.. I'm not very spiritual anymore. but it seemed pretty crazy.

We saw this green truck... and he picked us up.. He was an old bald man... kind of creepy looking and he was dirty and smelled bad.. I jumped in first.. and the other two guys jumped in.. He took off, then said to me "You can move closer to me if you want more room" ...There was plenty of room, and this guy really creped me out. I said "No, I'm fine here" then he told us that he slept in his truck and that "My old friend mosquito woke me up, heea heea heaaa!" we were all creped out... he dropped us on the over pass, maybe a 5 min drive from home.. and kept heading towards Amherst.

We figured we'd wait there until a guy we knew got off work in oxford, that way he could pick us up...
We were board, and we had no drugs left... we only had a few smokes.
We were sitting on top of the overpass.. we started spitting on the cars that would drive by... Then we started kicking pebbles at them.

Then we started dropping little rocks on top of the trailers and making loud bangs...
it didn't even take a minute, but Paul picked up a big rock, and threw it at a transfer truck... he meant to hit the back.. but his timing was off, and he hit the windshield.. all we heard was glass breaking.. and we started running...

We were running, and I looked behind us... and the truck driver came out with a stick.. I yelled to the guys "Run faster guys! he's got a stick!!!!" And we all took off, running as fast as we could, and ran to a little bridge called "the deep" because there's a small swimming hole underneath it.

"We can't stay here" I said... "the cops will find us"  "but Craig will be getting off of work soon!.. if we wait up there, we can get a drive with him and get away from the cops"
We ended up sitting on top of the railings on the bridge... It was turning itno a nice day.. but there was tons of black flies biting us..

"Maybe we should just walk through Saltsprings?" "No, that would take forever.. we'll be fine, plus if we see the cop car coming we'll know it's him before he See's us, and we can run"

Sure enough, a cop care came... but we couldn't tell it was a cop car until it was too late... he didn't have his lights on.. and the way the highway curves we couldn't see him.

The cop got out of the car, and asked what we were doing here.. "oh, we just went for a hike, we just finally got the the deep, we were gonna go swimming in our boxers"

"Well that's funny, because you fit the description of the 3 kids who broke a windshield out of a transfer truck" "I don't know what you're talking about... we just walked through salt springs" I said..
Well that's funny.. because a girl who knows you, said she saw you waiting on the overpass around the same time as the incident"  "You guys were coming with me..

He put us in the cop car... and away we went to jail.. my first time every getting charged for something bad I did... I was terrified..

He took us into the holding cells.. "Please don't call my mom or dad" I said "I didn't do it, I swear I didn't.. it wasn't us"

He left us in there for a while.. me and Paul were lying and saying we had nothing to do with it.
Steven ended up telling the cops "It was all me, not the other guys" a pretty solid move...
When the cops took me in, I told them I had nothing to say but I didn't do it.. I wouldn't do something like that" ... Was it Steve? "I don't think so... I didn't see anyone do anything"
I wouldn't say anything else to them.. so they put me back in the holding cell..
The bars were waving, and it was scary.. the acid was kicking in hard, and I was tripping out.

After a few hours, our parents came to pick us up... "your kids will be getting charged with destruction of property, and they'll be getting restorative justice.. since it's their first time"
My parents got me..and they were PISSED.... "How could you do such a thing.... you know he could have went off the road and died right? " I know mom, but I didn't do it, I swear.. I wasn't even around when it happened"

So, they told me I was grounded... but I told them "I'm not grounded, I didn't do anything... I'll just leave!"
We got back to the house... and mom and dad told me they had to go to Amherst that day.. I was to stay in, and not go anywhere.

I didn't listen to them.. and as soon as they left.. I took some of my money, and walked up to another dealer I knew, who was selling 12mg dilaudids at the time.. I took 200 dollars with me.. and bought 12... and on my way back, I went back to my aunts, and stole 15 more 2mg Dilaudids out of the bottle.

I walked home, and snorted 2 12mg pills.. and 5 2mg dilaudids... I was pretty messed up.. and nodded out the whole time.. I ended up falling asleep until they got home...


-Neil 11/3/2012

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