Sunday, March 4, 2012

I.W.K for a night, then home..

On the drive to Halifax, I was mad.. I was scared they would find the 4 8's and 15 morphine I had hidden in my crotch..

I was in handcuffs, and on my way to Halifax...

Before all of this happened.. I went to my stash and got some pills out in case I was gonna be gone for a while..

Anyway, at the time.. I was scared they would find it .. so I stated acting good..  they ended up taking the handcuffs on me.. I was talking to my police escort, and he was asking me if I was trying to hurt myself... and said "why did you take so many pills"
I told him that I was just trying to get high.. and I didn't know much about drugs. I didn't know how much was too much..

It was an accident..

They took me to the "4th floor" ... it's a place where you're locked in all day... and it's a place where kids who have tried to kill themselves get put..

Anyway, we finally got there .. and they shoved me in my room.. they told me they would have their meeting with me tomorrow..
So, I laid in my bed, and was very happy they didn't find my stash..

I started to go to sleep.. then there was a knock on my windows...
There was a very weird kid running around in the hallways... he was yelling and screaming and making threats.

I was really nervous.. I just went back to bed...
I woke up and didn't really know where I was.. the drugs were wearing off..
I asked them if I could get a shower.. So I did..  but not before snorting 3 morphine..

I went into my room, and got ready, then went into to common room... I met this cute girl, and we were talking and talking... she asked if she could straighten my hair.. and I let her.. She seemed really sweet..
I asked her what she was there for... and she lifted up here sleeves..
She had cuts all over her arms... A nice pretty young girl like her.. and she had cuts on her arms.

She told me she wanted me to stay there, and we could be friends, blah blah blah..

She said to me " just tell them you actually tried to kill yourself, and they'll let you stay here" blah blah blah..

I told her I would... but I knew I was going to tell them the truth and get out of there..

I ate something, then they told me the doctors were there for my appointment..
I told them how I just took too many pills at once... I told them "My parents found them all, so when I go home they're all gone.

They told me I was allowed out of there..
They called my parents.. and they left springhill to come get me..
When they picked me up... they were so upset.. they couldn't even talk to me..

I was still high though from the morphine..
And I wanted them to talk to me..
I told them I was sorry... I was crying and everything.. I felt horrible for what I put them through.

We barley spoke on the drive home.. When we got home, they decided something drastic needed to be done.

They were making phone calls, and it turned out I would be going to a program called choices..
It's an amazing program for youth with drug addictions... It's one of the best places in the area for a youth with a drug problem can go..

The ages are 13-19 years old...

So, we were speaking quite a bit about this program.. so I decided I would give it a shot..
You had to be drug free before getting into the program, so I acted like I was..

There's more to this story, and it's going to be a long one.. I'll write it tomorrow after work. So it won't be up until night... or possibly the next day... I have to get ready for my public speaking conference at ST.FX on this Friday.. so I'll try my best to pump out a few blogs a day, but it might only be 1 at a time.. i'm going to be pretty busy this week.. Thanks guys!

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