Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hey guys!

Hey loyal readers... I feel horrible after all the emails and messages I've been getting...
I'm verrrrrry sorry for the lack of posts, but I needed to take a break for a couple of reasons..

Writing in detail was starting to give me cravings... Nothing serious, just annoying to deal with them. But I'm very good and overcoming them.. After 3 years it's so much easier...  It gets easier every day actually..

The second reason... I took a seizure at work, and I've also been working 12 hour shifts, sometimes days, sometimes back shifts... and I get home from a shift, head right to bed after eating and getting a shower... and don't have any time to write..

I've also been swamped with emails, which is my main priority, helping others... That's the reason I started this blog, and I'll always put the emails first..

Some days I get 1 emails.... others I'll get 10+, and I don't just write a few lines and press send.. I give the best advice I can possibly give that person at the time.. and my main goal, is to help at least one person through this blog... To open some eyes to people who never used...

I was people to understand that addicts are still people... people that have families... people that have loved ones who are at the end of their rope with fear and stress due to their disease

and it is a disease... A lot of people consider it self inflicted... but No one gets into drugs thinking they're going to get addicted..

I want to show them the life, and the mindset of an addict.. and someone who came through it all..

I want people to look at addicts like humans... I know some addicts who have NEVER stolen to support their habit, yet they're still sometimes looked down upon, or people assume they would steal from them if you let them in your house..

Don't give up on them, and please don't judge them... you don't know their story... you don't know what they go through everyday... If you lived a week in the life of them, I'm sure you would never judge them again..

I'd like to see better programs, and long term treatment centers built instead of expanding our prisons...
most of the people in prison have substance abuse problems... if you treated the CAUSE of their criminal behavior, you'd see a lot less people in prison..

They should have drug rehab prisons... where you have to go to for a year at least depending on your crime..
It would sold so many problems, and help a lot more people VS. sending them to prison.

June 15th was my 3 year mark for not being high... Not even a joint : )

I'm going to be posting, I'm off till Monday, so I'll start posting again.

Thanks for your concern guys : )

Keep reading, check in tomorrow afternoon.... I'll have a good post up!

Take care guys!



  1. yay finally ive been checking everyday !

  2. Glad to hear u are ok. U helped me with my son through email and I am very grateful for that. please take all the time u need for urself to make sure ur ok and thanks so much for ur help and advice through email. I know me for one has been checking back daily, not only to read ur story, which is very interesting and should be a book, but also to read even a few lines about how u r doing. congrats on reaching the 3 year mark! take care and thanks again!
