Thursday, May 31, 2012

And back to jail for the weekend...

Going to jail on the weekend wasn't too bad thus far, Every weekend I stayed high, quiet.. and got through it the best I could...

But it was Friday, I had no money, and only 3 pills... I couldn't possibly get through the weekend without at least 30mgs or so a day, so I needed to come up with a plan..

I went to the hospital, and got a re-fill on xanax... I also complained of some pain, and got some Tylenol 3...
I was excited at first when my doctor pulled out a triplicate pad.. but was devastated when he told me I was getting codeine.. To be, it was as useless as the Tylenol they put in it... It wouldn't even hold off my withdrawal symptoms at the very least..  I had no plans to get any money today... but I always seemed to score pills one way or another..

It was around lunch time... I already took a shot in the morning, and had 3 pills remaining, which I was trying to save until I could take them to the pharmacy..

I filled my prescriptions, and got rid of most of the Tylenol 3's for 2 dollars a piece... I was able to buy 2 more 24mg pills, and still had 20 or so left, so I could legally bring them into the jail with me.
I figured I had enough, so I took a few xanax, and chilled out, waiting for 8pm to roll around..

It was around 6, and I was craving bad... So I took one of the pills, and cooked it up.
I injected it.. I felt wonderful, and the xanax was creeping up, making me careless, and wanting to get as many pills as I could...

I came up with a very stupid idea, and called someone to give me a drive to Amherst..

When we got there, I went to the pharmacy and filled my prescription.. I split the 24mg pills up into 12mgs or so in each capsule, and assumed that would be enough because I had a rig inside the jail now..
When I got to the pharmacy, I realized I had forgotten my Tylenol 3's... which would have added to the total of drugs in my system, which would be more than enough to hold off cravings and withdrawal mixed with the dilaudid and xanax.. I was sort of upset, but I didn't care, as long as I had my dilaudids..

When we left the pharmacy, I told the guy driving to take me to a house I knew...
It was a long drive, maybe 25 minutes or so, and once we got there I told him to wait..

I had a lot of xanax in my system, and whenever I took the stuff I always ended up doing something really stupid... worse than usual, just downright crazy and DUMB.
I walked up to the house and knocked... The couple at home knew me, I did a small amount of yard work for them. I asked them if I could use their bathroom, because I had to go bad, and they were the only people I knew in the area... the were more than happy to let me, and were as nice as could be..

When I went upstairs, I was on a mission... straight to the bathroom, and into the medicine cabinet..
I knew there were dilaudids and oxycodone pills in there. There was a month ago, and the dates on the bottles were all very old, so I knew they didn't need them that much... and wouldn't notice they were gone..

I emptied the first bottle of dilaudid into a baggy.. they were 8 mg pills, and I got about 40 of them..
Then I took the 10mg oxycodone pills, that were mixed with Tylenol..
I turned on the tap, so the pill bottles wouldn't make much of a sound..

After that I kept looking, searching every name on every bottle in there... There was a new bottle, the label said Meperidine Hydrochloride 100mg, take one pill every 6-8 hours as needed.. There was at least 90 pills in the bottle, but I think there was 120.. I took 30 or so of them, and set them back in there was if they weren't touched..

For those of you who don't know, Meperidine, is the generic name for Demerol.. A powerful synthetic opiod.

I felt like I had just won a jackpot, and left the house with a smile on my face... "Thank you very much" I said, "Have a great night" and out the door I went..

I ran to the car with a smile on my face, and he knew I has scored something...
Before I went in, I took 40 dollars from him, and told him I was buying him some pills..

I jumped in the car, and we took off... I pulled out the Demerol and the oxycodone, and told him "Jeff didn't have any dilaudid"... He was disappointed at first, because he though they were all percocets... he was happy once he had them into him and started to feel good..

I got dropped off at Timhortons, and asked him to pick me up the following Monday morning.. he said he would, and I headed inside... I had 30 minutes until I had to surrender myself to the jail for the weekend, so I bought a coffee, and went into the bathroom..

out came my kit, and I cooked up a big shot.. a few Demerol, and 4 or 5 dilaudid 8's..
Demerol are big pills, but they break down pretty easy... I cooked them up first, and sucked them up into the needle... Then I cleaned the spoon, and crushed the dilaudids.. which I then added the needle full of Demerol solution to, and heated it, then filtered it...

It was a potent shot, and actually very dangerous while I was on another downer (xanax) and still had dilaudid in my system..

I sat on the toilet, and tied off with the string from my sweater, still in the hood.. just pulled out as far as it would go..

I found a vein, hit it, then let go of the tie... 2CC's of liquid entering my veins.. and I felt the rush... It felt amazing.. and I was feeling better than ever, until about 10 seconds after it was in me... I got violently ill and started throwing up.. I couldn't stop... I had less than 10 minutes to get to the jail, but couldn't stop throwing up..

I was feeling very sick, and was putting my kit (needle/lighter/filters..etc) away, and hiding it in the bathroom.. I was also hiding drugs to take into the jail.. I took a bunch of wrapped them in plastic wrap, and then melted them with a lighter.. all while I was still violently sick...

It stopped at about 5 minutes till I had to be there... It was right across from the jail... so I chugged my coffee, and lit a smoke... I made my way over, while I was swallowing the pills I had wrapped up..

I rang the buzzer, and they let me in... I handed them my medication cards, and went to get undressed, they checked me, and I got dressed in the jail gear..
They opened the doors and led me upstairs... I went up, and instantly went into the bathroom and threw up in the sink..

I ran the water, and took out the pills..
I stayed in there for a while, splashing water in my face.. then brushed my teeth... I hid the pills, and went into the dorm area.. one of the guys asked me if I was OK, and I told him I was just getting over the flu..

I tried to watch tv, and could barely keep my eyes open... I had to try until medication time, and then lights out or the guards would notice..

One of the guards came to the door with the medication cards... I swallowed the xanax, but kept the dilaudid capsule.. I didn't even want it at this point... I just wanted to go to bed so I wouldn't feel so sick..

I ended up falling asleep with my glasses on, and a book on my chest.. I woke up the exact same way..

But I felt fine, I wasn't craving... but I wanted to get high anyway..
I went into the bathroom, and to my hiding spot... the needle was gone...

I was furious... Was it one of the other guys inside? did the guards find it? I was so upset... this was my favorite way of doing them, and it would take me a lot less to get high.... Now I had to snort it just to feel anything..

I crushed up the capsule, and added a few 8mg dilaudids to it, and snorted it... I sat down on the shower ledge and let it absorb a little...
I took 1 of the Demerol, and crushed it up... It was a large pill, and I should have made it into a few lines... I heard it had a bad burn, so I wanted to just snort it in one line....

I did... but I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen..
I felt the worst pain I have ever felt in my life... I felt like I had just snorted pepper spray... my eyes instantly went red, and teared up.. I was sucking water up my nose in an attempt to rinse it clean... I was gagging, and woke a couple guys up..

It finally stopped... and it took me every ounce of strength I had in me not to throw up, I didn't want to waste the rest of my drugs..

I went out, and opened a bottle of pop and drank almost half of it... I laid there, and read some of my book... And started to feel the slight rush, the euphoria.. everything was ok again... but how long would this all last? I couldn't keep getting away with everything I was doing..

I committed a crime, and was sentenced to weekends... I was still breaking the law and using drugs every day.. I deserved to be locked up...

But how much longer would this run last?

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