Monday, April 2, 2012

Methdone Program may be coming to Amherst..

In our area, it's hard to get into a methadone program. The closest ones are either Truro or Wolfville..
I got a call from the Management at the opiate treatment center in Truro, and they let me know they were looking at opening up a clinic in Amherst.. But they need more people on a wait list, and more interest in order to make this happen.

I know there's a high need for this, and I know a program like this will help this area.. If you're interested in this, or have any questions please feel free to email me at . I can give you the number to be put on the wait list, and the more people we get the better.

Methadone has saved many addicts lives, it's a very useful program, and has proven results in curbing crime and dangerous behaviour involved in drug addiction.. This program would be a very important assest in our community, so if you're interested.. PLEASE feel free to contact me and spread the word.

Thank you!


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