Friday, August 30, 2013

CBC interviews coming up!

Hey guys,
 I'm sorry for my hiatus I took, but I've run into personal health problems
 regarding sciatic nerve pain which is controlling a lot of what I've been doing and causing a lot of health issues and pain..

I'm on Lyrica and Gabapentin (non-narcotic drugs) for the pain as I have almost 5 years clean in!
It's working well now so I'm going to get back to posting more of my story, it won't be daily but at least a few times a week... I'm also working on my auto-biography about what I've gone through.

Anyway, I thought I would let you all know that I did a piece for CBC's "Go Public"
It's airing this Monday (September 2nd) on a few different media types.

It will air on your Local CBC at 6:00PM, AST-Atlantic Standard Time- and then again at
10:00PM, AST on The National CBC station.

Atlantic Standard time is UTC-Coordinated Universal Time- minus -4 hours. so UTC-4.
This should help some of you find out what time this will air in your area.

It will air on CBC's Radio Stations, And it will also air on CBC's website..

So please check it out. I hope to record it, upload it onto my blog and let my readers from outside of Canada to watch it. I will also post the address of their website where it airs so you guys can watch it!

Thanks for the support, keep checking back every few days for new blog posts and feel free to contact me anytime.

I answer a lot of emails every week (sometimes dozens) so don't be scared to contact me with ANY comment, problem or issue.
I take pride in keeping your identity safe and 100% confidential. I also am able to help you get into programs or share my experiences for you!

Take care and thank you for reading! I can't believe that after 4 months I'm still getting thousands of readers a day..

Enjoy the long weekend, and enjoy the interview... Please protect your health cards as you would a credit card!

-Neil J. Calder

Blogger, Anti-Drug Advocate, Public speaker,
Volunteer and expert in the field of drugs.